torsdag 4. februar 2016

4 Things you need to stop wasting time if you want to be happy

1. Former error

Error we made tend to occupy much of our thinking. Some things are impossible to forget - that despite the fact that they are fully aware of how unproductive it is to spend time on things you can not do anything.

However, what we forget when we go into the 'what if I had not done it slik' mindset is context. We forget what we actually thought there and then, and only takes us the negative consequences when we look back on it

2. What other people think about you

There is definitely a lot easier said than done, to not care about what others think about you. However, it is an obvious source of misery to many.
On the one hand, we are constantly worried about getting negative feedback. On the other hand hunt for recognition and acknowledgment.

3. The defeats

Failure is a natural part of life. Many psychologists and professors will even argue that failure is one of the most important thing we do in life.

Failure makes you stronger, it makes you learn - and most of all, it increases the chances that the next time succeeding.

4. To complain

Little is more irritating than those who always put things in perspective when you complain. The classic 'it could have been verre' commentaries.

But if we are to be honest, it's most annoying because it is impossible to disagree. For it is undeniably true: we complain too much.

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